Thirsty Thursday

The headline of this post may throw you guys back a bit. Usually when someone says ‘Thirsty Thursday’ they are referring to their go to thirst quencher as alcohol. While I do enjoy a drink, I am referring to good ole’ fashioned water. It has been around since the dawn of time and makes up makes up a whopping 72% of our bodies which explains why we can’t go more then 7 days without it without perishing.



The sad truth is that people take advantage and overlook this precious supplement. The fact is that we need water to survive.  “A decrease of as little as 2% in our body’s water supply can have harmful effects and cause symptoms of dehydration, such as daytime fatigue, excess thirst, fuzzy memory, difficulty focusing on tasks and simple math, lightheadedness, and nausea.” Now I’m certain that more than half of the global population suffer from those sympt

oms and most likely go straight to medicine for a quick fix, when in reality all they need is a couple cups of water.

When it comes to weight loss, water is vital! For instance, your body actually mistakes thirst with hunger. So next time you feel your stomach growling, have a glass of water first. There are so many reason why you should drink this amazing stuff and you can find some of them here :

All I can say is drink up! 8 glasses a day… I usually carry a water bottle everywhere with me and sip on it all day. Its VITAL!

The See-Saw Effect

ImageI remember when I was a a child running around on the playground in complete ecstasy because back then it was the best thing ever to go outside and play on the jungle gym or swing until your toes touched the sky. I remember playing on the see-saw with my brother and trying to get it to exact equilibrium, which of course was sometimes impossible because we both did not weight exactly the same.

Thinking about it now, playing on that see-saw is a great metaphor for life. So many people go through their lives completely out of balance which leads to diseases like obesity and addiction. I think that the true challenge of life is trying to find the right balance so that you don’t topple over and  hit the ground on either side. Finding that equilibrium will most certainly bring you true happiness and a healthy body, mind and soul.

When I was younger, I was completely out of balance. I ate too much junk food, drank too much alcohol, didn’t exercise enough, focused on all the wrong things and not enough on what made me happy. Granted, I was young and still trying to figure out who I was and what actually did make me happy. Consequently my body started fighting back and I became intolerant to the foods I was eating. I also became quite unhappy because I just did not feel good about the things I was concentrating on.

Slowly but surely I started changing my life around. I started going to the the gym, eating healthier food, drinking less alcohol and surrounding myself with positive and happy people. Now, my life is not perfect and I still have my own issues to work on, but I am a million miles ahead of where I was, and that’s what finding balance does.

Yes, I still eat junk every now and then, I still have my lazy days and I do go out and have a couple of drinks every now and then. But now, I do all those things in moderation. I am a firm believer in the 80/20 rule. Be healthy 80% of the time  and that other 20% wont matter so much.

If you are feeling out of balance in life and need some readjusting or help motivating yourself to find that equilibrium, please don’t hesitate to send me an email or talk to someone close to you.

Just remember how amazing it felt as a child to get outside and simply play. Just because you are an adult dose not mean you have to stop playing.

You can e-mail me on:

Dreams DO come true

I have to say that i think I have the most wonderful boyfriend. He is just so supportive of everything I do and wants me to succeed. He also knows that I tend to give up on projects if I don’t see results quickly so he sent me a link to an amazing motivational video that made me want to get up off the couch and really put my dreams into motion and MAKE them become a reality.

If you have something you really want to achieve, weather its in regards to fitness, health, your career, your relationships… anything, make sure you keep trying to make those dreams come true because with a lot of hard work and perseverance, you WILL make it happen.

Check out this amazing video for an extra oomph of motivation:

Dr. Oz Fat Burners; CLA for Weight Loss

I have used CLA before and it is a great toning and weight loss supplement to add. In fact, I am going to go and buy myself some tomorrow! Thank you Dr. Oz for confirmining what I knew.

Nourishing World Blog

What is CLA?
CLA is a healthy fat naturally ocurring in organic dairy products and lean, grass-fed beef. There have been hundreds of clinical studies performed over the past decade into the effectiveness of CLA as a weight loss booster, cancer fighter, and heart-disease preventer. The results have been overwhelmingly positive.
CLA is proven to:
Burn Fat
Reduce Inflammation
Prevent Cancer
Lower Cholesterol
Boost Metabolism
Support Lean Muscle Growth
Increase Immune Strength

Can Eating More Fat Really Help You Burn More Fat?
Counting calories, watching fat grams, and ensuring that our diet consists of enough whole food vitamins and minerals requires quite a learning curve, but we know one thing for sure: fat is always bad. Right?
Wrong! You may be surprised to hear that there are “good fats” which are not only healthy for your diet, but will also help you to burn fat. If you have been cutting…

View original post 654 more words

Delish, Nutrish and Healthy Foods


There are millions of articles floating around out there about the good, the bad and the downright UGLY foods for you to eat. I am now going to throw my own little list out into cyber space for you to enjoy. Now, I absolutely LOVE food! I’m not one of those girls who avoid everything besides celery… no no no! I like a variety of healthy and delicious foods and I like A LOT of it!

Let me tell you a little secret… I didn’t always like healthy food. I was, in fact, a junk food junkie! Up until about the age of 17 (when I started actually gaining weight) I lived on Oreo’s, bread, coco pops, oven sausage rolls, pies, chips, sweets… basically any packaged food would be on my shopping list.

THEN, after years of abusing my body with this hideous food, I started getting a little bit chubby, eczema started flaring up and my stomach was not happy at all. So i figured out i needed to stop the dairy and wheat and all the other artificial crap… which I did! This literally transformed my life! Not only did my entire diet change, but I started going to the gym along with my school sports. The gym was NOT my friend in the beginning, but we grew to love but sometimes hate each other! I am now a self proclaimed health freak (with of course the occasional humane cheat days) AND a fitness junkie. I love it. I love eating clean food that makes you feel energized and fresh, rather then that junk which leaves you feeling greasy, sluggish and bloated.

So here is a list of my favorite healthy foods:

  1. Oatmeal: My #1 go to breakfast! Oats has an abundance of fiber, vitamin B, manganese (increases metabolism and bone density), zinc and magnesium. This is definitely one of the best breakfasts you can have and it keeps you full for hours!20140120_063031 (1)
  2. Bananas: Yes, they are a bit high in carbs, but there are so many more reasons to eat bananas. First of all, they are delicious! Secondly, thirdly, fourthly and fifthly,  bananas help you reach your weight-loss goals, keep your bowels healthy, provide nutrients that regulate heart rhythm and have vitamin compounds for eye health. So start monkeying around and eat a banana 😉
  3. Almonds: almonds are the most nutritious of all nuts! They fight cancer, reduce your risk of heart attack, lower cholesterol, contain a mass amount of protein in one tiny little shell, delivers your fair share of Vitamin E and fiber! Just go nuts and enjoy a couple of almonds.
  4. Apples: mmm I do love me some apples! These juicy and sweet fruit have so much to offer! Eating an apple a day not only keeps the doctor away, but also Alzheimer, Parkinson and all sorts of cancers. They can also help reduce cholesterol and diabetes, aid in weight management, detox your liver and boost your immune system!
  5. Seaweed: Yup, you read right, i said seaweed, or ‘nori’ as people from the sushi world refer to it as. Just one sheet of this sea veggie contains the same amount of omega 3 as three avocados! This can help prevent acne and dry skin and is an ant-inflammatory.  Wanna know the best news? Its only 4 calories a sheet! One sheet is packed with protein, B Vitamins, twice the vitamin C found in an orange and an amazing amount of iron! Not sure of how to eat this super food? My next post will give some simple recipes and suggestions.
  6. Tuna: canned or fresh, tuna is a delicious protein packed fish to have as a snack or make the hero of a dish. It is loaded with Omega 3, so it is great for cardiovascular and eye health. it can also improve cognitive performance and increases your mood. I have a can of tuna everyday and I never get bored of. Perhaps that’s because I am a little OCD though.
  7. Sweet Potatoes: These little root vegetables are gems! They are so easy to add to any meal and are seriously beneficial to your health and even aid in weight loss! They contain a boatload of vitmain B, C and D as well as Iron and magnesium. Put down those regular potatoes and pick something a little sweeter.
  8. Dark Chocolate: its true, a little bit of dark chocolate is actually good for you! It certainly helps kill those late night sweet cravings and is also good for your heart, brain and blood sugar. It is full of antioxidants and is high in potassium, copper, magnesium and iron. So come to the dark side, we have health benefits!
  9. Cottage cheese: this is my mayonnaise substitute and I gotta say, it is a million times better! Cottage cheese is packed with protein,  vitamin A and B, Calcium, and Phosphorus. use this in place of mayo and you will do your body and your taste buds a world of good.
  10. Chicken: smoked, grilled, stir fried, poached or boiled I just love chicken. The best thing about this small bird is that it is virtually fat free, low in calories and full of muscle building and energizing protein.  It is also a natural anti depressant, helps prevent bone loss, and is a metabolism booster!

Here are some other foods that I love and are full of nutrients:

  • Eggs
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • pumpkin seeds
  • sunflower seeds
  • goji berries
  • fish
  • ostrich steak
  • Peanut butter

Are there any healthy foods that you just absolutely love?? Or are there some super foods out there that you have heard about but have no idea what to do with? Let me know and I’ll give you some great and easy meal ideas!

Stay Fit and Healthy!

Woman on a mission

Last year sometime I decided that I wanted to join the boys on the pull up bar. So, I jumped straight into it. My first time doing it I think I managed a measly 3 chin ups. That was me, DONE! It has probaby been about 3 months since i attempted my first round of chin ups and I am proud to say that today I did an  impressive 8 in my first set! 7 in my second and a lousy 3 in my last set.

Its understandible that my poor biceps fatigued after 2 sets of a seriously energy draining exercise, so I didnt let those last 3 get me down. Even more impressive was that I went on to do a full bicep and back workout! YAY go me!

Next time I do it I’m gonna get a snap shot of it to prove it happened since i’m sure there are a lot of guys out there who are sceptical of a girl bein able to do such a manly exercise 😉

Get into tip top shape


We are nearly ONE month into 2014, so I hope that everyone out there who has set their New Years resolution to revamping your lifestyle and getting the body you’ve dreamed about is actually taking action! If this sounds like you, then CONGRATS! If not, then I think its time to get moving and throw out those bread rolls and bacon.

_MG_6519I want to know if you are ready to feel the burn and commit to a healthier lifestyle that WILL make you look AND feel better. I absolutely LOVE feeling healthy. Going to the gym, eating fresh and alive food, going outdoors and enjoying every moment of life is really the true essence of living. I’m not saying cut out all things good but you know are bad. No no no,,, even I like the odd pizza and a little Friday night at the local watering hole.

You don’t need to become an anti-social prude to live a health lifestyle. I can help you get to where you want to be. I will guide you, advise you, motivate you and equip you with the tools you need to start your very own transformation. The time is NOW! So stop being lazy, stop saying you will do it tomorrow and just do it now. Drop me an email and you can get started today.

My new favourite thing

Beautiful Durban beach front
Beautiful Durban beach front

So recently I started going body boarding with my brother, and damn, is it a serious workout! You wouldn’t think so considering you really just paddle yourself out to the back line, catch a wave and do it all over again… But my word, getting out there is quite a mission! Saying that, I absolutely love it!

First of all, I love being in the ocean. It’s so fresh and lovely… Just floating around, diving under the waves and making sure you don’t get sucked out to Australia. It really is a lot of fun though.

Very excited to show off my body boarding skills
Very excited to show off my body boarding skills

Secondly, catching a wave makes you feel like you are flying across the ocean. Once you get that perfect wave, nothing can stop you… Besides being dumped and being discarded as rubbish. That dosnt happen too often though.

Thirdly, it is a really really fun and exciting workout! I mean who wouldn’t want that? A workout and fun all wrapped in one?

Ok ok I do enjoy working out at the gym, but I wouldn’t exactly classify it as ‘fun’. It’s great and it makes me feel fantastic but I recon the only time I smile while doing a bicep curl is if someone is making those grunting noises while they lift a weight equivalent to a baby elephant.

So going body boarding is a great way to spice up my exercise regime while working on my tan at the same time!

Moral of the story: find a physical activity that you love doing and that adds fun and spice to your life. It could be anything! Cycling, running, horse riding, skiing, wrestling, rock climbing… Anything!