Set them GOALS!

My vision board
My vision board

I know i haven’t posted in a while, but in my defense, I have been writing exams and I am slightly stressed. But, here I am, taking some time to write about wonderful things called goals. No, I’m not talking about scoring a goal in soccer, I am talking about real life goals, things you want to achieve by a certain time… those aspirations you have in your mind that you tuck away because you are too scared that you are going to fail at achieving them. Those kind of goals.

Now, most people say they want to do something, they have all these ideas and thoughts, but they seldom put them into action or take steps to achieve them. This is a great way to stay in your comfort zone and never really achieve something amazing… but if you EVER want to make something happen, you need to set goals. These can be daily, weekly, monthly or even annual goals. I am a firm believer in visualizing what you want. The universe works in very mysterious ways, and if you want something, and i mean REALLY want something, you WILL get it. But you can’t just sit there and do nothing about it. Take action! Write down what you want, make a vision board, tell people… do whatever you have to do to achieve those goals.


I am living proof that visualizing and writing down what you want works. Last year (my first year at university), I told myself that I was going to make the first team in Netball, get a personal training job at the gym and do well in my studies. I managed to do all of this. I then went on to believe that Mitch (who at that stage was my long-distance man) would quit the army and come back to live with me. And what happened? Exactly that! This year, I started Crossfit. Six months ago I told myself that I am going to get good at this, I am going to be able to do kipping pull ups, muscle ups, double unders, handstand push ups and lift heavy weights. And now, I am well on my way to being a great Crossfitter.

So lovely people, do yourselves a favour, if there is anything you want to achieve, and I mean ANYTHING from quitting smoking, eating healthy, writing a book, opening a business or becoming a star athlete… set goals and MAKE them happen… no one is going to do it for you.

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