Hello 2015!

2014 was a year of changes, growth and self conquest and it sure was a good one! I woke up this morning, on the first day of a new year with a little headache from the inevitable drinking that came along with bidding farewell to 2014. Thinking about it now it doesn’t make much sense why you would want to start a new year with a hangover and exhaustion considering the fact that most people set resolutions to live a healthier life (me included). So, while lying in bed regretting the one two many drinks i consumed the night before, I decided that I am going to really make this year about health and treating my body with respect. Last year I found the balance between work, study, party and health, but now its time to develop my body into a well oiled machine!

So many people mock resolutions and goal setting but i think it is an extremely important thing to do. What is so wrong with wanting a better year for yourself and accomplishing your dreams?m Unfortunately most people never go through with their resolutions and consequently disappoint themselves. Do yourself a favour, decide what you want, write it down, develop a game plan and make it happen! There is no better feeling in the world than achieving what you have set out to do. Love and respect yourself enough to do those things for yourself. It is so great to get to the end of a year and be truly proud of yourself for what you have done.

Here are my resolutions for 2015:

  • To reduce my alcohol consumption
  • Eat only food that is going to benefit my body
  • achieve firsts for at least 2 subjects
  • Enter a fitness competition
  • Work on all my relationships with the people I love
  • Earn enough money to go to Thailand in July
  • Get into the best shape of my life

It seems like a lot, and I might not achieve all of them, but i sure am going to try!

So… get a plan and start living the best year of your life to date. Make every day count. Love yourself. Love others. Treat yourself with respect and get everything you want.

Most of all… Do what you love and love what you do