The See-Saw Effect

ImageI remember when I was a a child running around on the playground in complete ecstasy because back then it was the best thing ever to go outside and play on the jungle gym or swing until your toes touched the sky. I remember playing on the see-saw with my brother and trying to get it to exact equilibrium, which of course was sometimes impossible because we both did not weight exactly the same.

Thinking about it now, playing on that see-saw is a great metaphor for life. So many people go through their lives completely out of balance which leads to diseases like obesity and addiction. I think that the true challenge of life is trying to find the right balance so that you don’t topple over and  hit the ground on either side. Finding that equilibrium will most certainly bring you true happiness and a healthy body, mind and soul.

When I was younger, I was completely out of balance. I ate too much junk food, drank too much alcohol, didn’t exercise enough, focused on all the wrong things and not enough on what made me happy. Granted, I was young and still trying to figure out who I was and what actually did make me happy. Consequently my body started fighting back and I became intolerant to the foods I was eating. I also became quite unhappy because I just did not feel good about the things I was concentrating on.

Slowly but surely I started changing my life around. I started going to the the gym, eating healthier food, drinking less alcohol and surrounding myself with positive and happy people. Now, my life is not perfect and I still have my own issues to work on, but I am a million miles ahead of where I was, and that’s what finding balance does.

Yes, I still eat junk every now and then, I still have my lazy days and I do go out and have a couple of drinks every now and then. But now, I do all those things in moderation. I am a firm believer in the 80/20 rule. Be healthy 80% of the time  and that other 20% wont matter so much.

If you are feeling out of balance in life and need some readjusting or help motivating yourself to find that equilibrium, please don’t hesitate to send me an email or talk to someone close to you.

Just remember how amazing it felt as a child to get outside and simply play. Just because you are an adult dose not mean you have to stop playing.

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