I still have ‘it’!

sprinintSo, I just got back from my very first sprinting practice of the year. Ok, it wasn’t an ‘official’ practice, more of me wanting to see if I can actually still sprint the 100m without falling over and dying after 3 years of not doing it.

I woke up at 6:30 to prepare myself for this daring movement. I dressed in my best running shorts, left the shoes off- because I prefer to go caveman style and hit it barefoot. I made it to the track just before 7, did a couple of warm-up high knees and hops. I then proceeded to take a slow jog around the field. MY WORD! Who knew that NOT doing that for so long would have such a massive effect on your lungs and legs.

Besides the fact that I was struggling to breathe and my leg muscles were turning into solid rock, I persevered because I knew the end outcome was much better then quitting.

I finally willed myself to try out a 100m sprint. WOW! What a feeling! To be able to hurtle down that field at such a fast pace after so many years felt great. And you know what? I Still have it! Despite my unfitness, which is easily rectified, I can still sprint at good speed.

I did 4 laps around the field, followed by 4 100m sprints and 3 sets of push ups in between (just because Ii can ;))

It is now time for my morning bowl of oats! I definitely deserve it!

For those of you who have something that you were once good at or even the best at and are too afraid to find out if you still have ‘it’, just get out there and give it a go. Whats the worst that could happen? You end up not being as good as you were before? That’s ok, I’m sure you have many new talents. But do yourself a favour and find out.

2 thoughts on “I still have ‘it’!

  1. Just the motivation I needed today! Am going to get out there and start running again – who knows maybe I can do the Comrades again (14 years after the last one!!)

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