How to start your journey to health

twitWe have all at some time or another said “I will start on Monday”, or “This year I am going to get fit” only to get to the end of the week failing to start, or to the end of the year no fitter then you were the year before… Or gasp.. even less fit! I am probably going to say this a lot throughout this blog: “START RIGHT NOW!” Don’t wait for the weekend to be over, or that family holiday to pass… Don’t even wait to have your favorite desert. If you want to change your life you have to start the moment you decide that you really want this to happen.

i know it’s tough to change your habits and rewrite your brain to think differently about the things that you love and that are, in all honesty, probably making you fat, but it is the first step to achieving your goals. Once you have managed to change your mindset, you can then begin changing your body.

Here are a few steps to take to ensure success in your journey:

1. Prepare yourself: Nope, you’re not wrong. This is not going to be an easy challenge… That is why it is a challenge. So you need to prepare yourself for what lies ahead. You need to get it into your brain that things are going to be changing. The type of food you eat will change, the amount and type of exercise you do will change, your mindset will change, and above all your body will change. And how freaking exciting is that?  My favorite quote of all time is “change is the only constant”. It is so true! Everything is constantly changing, and we need to embrace that and take full advantage of that.

2.  Plan, plan plan!: so, you’re going to get an eating plan and an exercise plan. You probably don’t have all day to fit in grocery shopping, cooking and exercising whenever you want. You need to make a plan to incorporate these things into your daily schedule and eventually they will become part of your natural routine. Yes, you will reach the stage where exercise becomes more of a need then a “aw do I have to?”. Just be patient and keep going.

3. Make sure you know what’s potting on your exercise plan:  it’s no good getting a workout plan that you stare at and have no idea how spot decipher. Whoever you get this plan from (hopefully it’s me) you need to ensure that they explain them to you properly. I will be putting up workout videos and demonstrations of exercises in the near future. So have no fear when Emma is near!

4. Be consistent: I cannot stress to you enough how important this is. Consistency creates that habit and that habit leads to amazing changes in your body and how you feel. keep eating healthy meals, yes you can have a cheat meal once in a while, but then jump back on that band wagon! Keep exercising! The more you move, the more you lose. Whatever you do, don’t give up.

5. Water, water, water!: this stuff is definitely the best tool in weight loss and an overall healthy lifestyle. Staying hydrated is crucial so remember to consume 8-10 glasses a day.

6.  Measure your progress: don’t just focus on what the scale says, measure yourself about every two weeks to get an even better result.

7. Have FUN!: above all you need to enjoy what you’re doing So if you feel like the exercise you’re doing is boring and tedious, change it. If you are getting tired of eating the same food over and over again,  find some other interning and delicious recipes. don’t let yourself resent the healthy changes you have made, otherwise you will just slide back into your old bad habits.

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